Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

Количество ответов: 20

Watch a video about ten human inventions that changed the world. Rank them from most useful in your opinion to least useful, and be prepared to explain your choice in class.



✅ What other invention(s) would you add to the list? Why?

✅ Which human invention has had the most impact on your life? In what ways?

Look forward to getting your answer.


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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ302 Березин Артём Александрович -
I agree that the inventions from the video turned our world upside down and improved the quality of life. I would like to add a few more inventions to this list. For example, the airplane made it possible to quickly travel from one point of the world to another by air. A computer that can store a huge amount of information and independently perform calculations. And, of course, the Internet. This is a global network that connects devices around the world and gives users many opportunities such as working, studying, doing business and others. It is the Internet that has had the most impact on my life. Using it, I can find the information I need at any time, look up the road on maps, or chat with friends at a distance.
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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ302 Выходцева Александра Андреевна -
I completely agree that 10 inventions from the video are the most important and useful inventions of mankind. These inventions helped humanity to build what we have now. But I want to add to that list another very important and necessary invention - a spaceship and everything that goes with it. Tsiolkovsky was the first who talked about space in Russia. In the article «Exploration of the world spaces with jet devices» he for the first time proved that a rocket could become a vehicle for successful space flights. The scientist also developed the concept of liquid rocket engine. In particular, he determined the speed required for the spacecraft to reach the planets of the solar system. Perhaps without Tsiolkovsky’s research, man would have launched a satellite - and the first spaceship - into space much later. The first spaceship "Vostok" was built under the guidance of Korolev in 1960. And in 1961, Yuri Gagarin first flew into space. The first human space flight was extremely important for the further development of astronautics. It ushered in a new era in the history of human exploration of outer space and opened the way to space for many brave conquerors of the universe. It is difficult to imagine modern life without space services: GPS, weather forecast, maps, satellite communication. In addition, thanks to the exploration of outer space, mankind has acquired new technologies.
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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ302 Андрюкова Анастасия Павловна -
I agree that the scientific discoveries in the video have really affected people’s lives. And I think the list of scientific discoveries is very long. Mankind has existed for more than 200,000 years and throughout this time it has been constantly striving for development. At first, people had to find ways to survive. And this desire to survive has led to various scientific discoveries. It is telegraph, writing, paper, engine, medicine, computers, telephone, various modes of transport, internet, wheels and more.
I think some of these scientific inventions have impact on my life. I believe that medicine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind. It was the emergence and development of medicine that extended human life. Everyone has ever faced medicine in their life. I also think the advent of engines and wheels has made life much easier for mankind. Thanks to them, people can visit different countries of the world, where they can meet new people. And of course the creation of the Internet. This discovery is really affecting my life. With it, I can communicate with my loved ones from a distance, I can study sitting at home, I can read world news, I can get various facts about countries, I can read various scientific articles and books and many other things.
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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ302 Карпова Елизавета Константиновна -
I completely agree with the authors of the video, who told us about the top ten inventions of all time. I would like to add another invention that helps us in everyday life, and not only, time - this is a solar battery, which allowed us to use a renewable energy source in a much more efficient way. The first practical solar battery was developed in 1954 by specialists from the Bell Telephone laboratory based on silicon.. I think this invention is as ingenious as paper, because in those countries where the weather is sunny all year round, a solar battery makes it possible to equip various spaces with energy. Also, this invention is as environmentally friendly as possible, which is very important nowadays.
The Internet has probably had the greatest impact on my life, because thanks to it we can not only communicate with people from different parts of the world, but also learn a variety of information without spending a lot of time on it.

(Редактировал(а) ИЯ Гальчук Лариса Михайловна - пятница, 9 февраля 2024, 20:36)

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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ302 Герасимова Кристина Игоревна -
I absolutely agree that the 10 inventions discussed in the video have really had a huge impact on the development of mankind. They are the ones that allowed people to make their lives easier and expand the boundaries of possibilities. But there are also many more inventions not mentioned in the video.
I believe that the submarine is one of the most important inventions of mankind. A submarine is a warship capable of submerging and performing combat missions underwater. The most important tactical property of a submarine is its stealthy combat application. The first submergible vessel for 12 rowers and 3 passengers was built in England in 1620. The design was a wooden hull covered with oiled leather with special leather furs. For diving the furs were filled with water, and when surfacing the water was forced out of the furs. Movement in the underwater position was accomplished with the help of oars. Submarines are designed to destroy important military-industrial and administrative centers, naval bases, ports and other surface facilities, destroy submarines, enemy ships and vessels, stealthily lay mines, conduct reconnaissance and perform other combat tasks. That is why I believe that the invention of the submarine plays a great role in the life of the country.
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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ302 Жарова Влада Александровна -
I agree that the discoveries described in the video are a great breakthrough in science. I believe that one of the important discoveries is cellular communication. For example, it’s already difficult for me to imagine my life without a phone at hand. I would also like to say that discoveries made a couple of centuries ago continue to be developed and modernized. For example, cars that run on electricity rather than gasoline are increasingly appearing in our lives. The smart home system makes people's everyday lives easier. For example, when returning home in cold weather, I can turn on the coffee machine from the phone app, and when I get home, delicious, aromatic coffee is already waiting for me.
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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ301 Баранова Елена Сергеевна -
I think that all the inventions mentioned in this video are important and significant, but if I put them ❌in on the list of such things that I use most often, the following will turn out:
1. Electricity
2. Communication
3. Plumbing
4. Refrigeration
5. Paper
6. The wheel/Engine
7. Medicine
8. The printing press
9. The compass

To this list, I would add another neural network, which not so long ago became a new invention, but has already turned the world upside down, as well as the development of robotics and automatization of production, it greatly influenced the economy and gave a powerful impetus to the development of the world.
The human invention that had a great influence on me was the development of medicine, because thanks to this my heart works well and I can live a full life, such a wonderful invention as contact lenses also has a great influence, it's just a wonderful thing for a person with poor eyesight like me.
Of course, all these inventions are very important, but our world does not stop and develops with even more rapid force.

(Редактировал(а) ИЯ Гальчук Лариса Михайловна - четверг, 28 марта 2024, 22:51)

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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ301 Горбунова Софья Алексеевна -
I completely agree with this list of the best inventions of mankind. It is incredibly important to remember what our ancestors did for our lives today. Ranking the list of inventions mentioned in the video, I proceed from my own considerations and get the following sequence: medicine, communication, electricity, the wheel, engines, the compass, refrigeration, plumbing, paper, the printing press. Without all these inventions, we would not have such an easy life, which we take for granted. Some of them even saved people from extinction. Based on my own knowledge and opinion, I also want to note that one of the most important inventions that I have ever thought of is a microscope, because with its help scientists explore the world around us and people in general. Our goal is to achieve the highest level of knowledge in order to improve our lives and make it more comfortable for the next generations. Speaking of medications, it is important to note that anesthesia helped us a lot, because it was dangerous for some people with a low pain threshold to go to the operating table. And the Internet, I can't help but mention it, as it has become our second life. We create an online account that allows us to change our lives for the better as well as for the worse. All the variety of Internet platforms allows you to earn money, get an education, and allows network users to communicate with the whole world. However, we must not forget that some people pursue destructive goals, which leads to irreparable consequences. It must be remembered that every invention can both save humanity and destroy it. That is why we need to deepen our knowledge in various fields in order to prevent terrible catastrophes.
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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ301 Аганина Диана Романовна -
I agree that the inventions mentioned in the video are very important human inventions. The data in the video of the invention greatly influenced the development of mankind. I would add the Internet to the list of inventions. The Internet is a worldwide system of unified computer networks for data storage and transmission. The history of the creation of the Internet is very long and complex, because the Internet is a very confusing and complex system. Thanks to the Internet, people in different parts of the world can communicate, share their ❓❗lives life experiences, show and tell what is happening. The global network provides a lot of opportunities and resources for work, study, communication. For me, the Internet is an invention that has had a huge impact on me. With the help of the Internet, I study, communicate with my family, look for various information, read something and so on. The Internet is very important for me at this stage of my life, because I moved to another city and can only communicate with my family remotely.

(Редактировал(а) ИЯ Гальчук Лариса Михайловна - пятница, 29 марта 2024, 13:04)

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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ301 Васильева Анна Евгеньевна -
Of course, I believe that the list of inventions mentioned by the author is very important. But I would add the Internet and medicine to this list.
Medicine is now well developed, which makes it easier for people to live. I'm glad that ❌she it continues to develop and study new diseases for which ❌she it finds treatment.
One of the human inventions that has had the greatest impact on my life is the Internet. The Internet has changed the way we exchange information, communicate, work and have fun. Thanks to the Internet, I have access to a huge amount of knowledge and information. I can learn about news from around the world, study various subjects and sciences, search for answers to questions, get an education and develop in various fields.
Thus, the Internet has had a huge impact on my life, making it easier to access information, communication, work and entertainment.

(Редактировал(а) ИЯ Гальчук Лариса Михайловна - пятница, 29 марта 2024, 18:53)

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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ301 Дегтяренко Полина Владимировна -
I completely agree with this list - the top 10 inventions of mankind, as they all completely changed the life of mankind: ❌we they simplified it , helped to facilitate some common things that used to be difficult to do, for example , electricity , which is mentioned in the video , without it , people needed to light candles , use gas appliances . Personally, my list of importance would look like this: medicine, refrigeration, paper, compass, printing press, plumbing, four motors, wheel , communication.
I would also add to this list the invention of 2800 BC - soap , since cleanliness and well-grooming of a person is the most important factor in our lives , since when you get to know a person you look at appearance and cleanliness . Previously, people forgot about hygiene , because there was no soap that would help keep the body clean .Probably, if you think about it, my life was most influenced by the invention of the wheel, since it was with this that the era of cars began, I really like to travel, and most often it's traveling by car, because looking around and seeing all the beauty with my eyes is much more interesting and impressive than from an airplane window

(Редактировал(а) ИЯ Гальчук Лариса Михайловна - пятница, 29 марта 2024, 20:18)

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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ301 Залуцкая Мария Алексеевна -
I totally agree with the ranking of the inventions in the video, but if we talk about which inventions are the most important for me, then there will be the following list:
1) Electricity
2) Communication
3) Medicine
4) Engines
5) Plumbing
6) The wheel
7) Refrigeration
8) Paper
9) The printing press
10) The compass
I would also add solar panels and all renewable energy sources to this list, because now humanity is acutely faced with the problem of limited natural resources and very soon they may end.
If we are talking about the invention that has had the most impact on my life I think it is smartphones, because now it contains almost everything. Many tasks that previously required a computer can now be easily solved with a smartphone anywhere and anytime, and at the same time it easily fits in your pocket.
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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ301 Агеева Ангелина Вадимовна -
I completely agree with the list of inventions given in this video. Throughout history, humanity has constantly improved the world around them. One of the ways to achieve this goal has been the invention of new technologies that make life easier and more comfortable.
By arranging the inventions named in the video according to the list, starting from the most important to the least important, I get the following: electricity, medicine, communication, engines, paper, refrigeration, plumbing, the wheel, the compass, the printing press. All these inventions are definitely important.
In my opinion, one of the most famous and significant inventions is the Internet. Its creation allowed people from all over the world to communicate, search for information and share it. Today, the Internet has become an essential part of our lives, it is used for work, education, entertainment and much more. Another important invention is the neural network, which has made my life much easier. It is able to answer questions, recognize speech, do machine translation and much more. It's also worth noting mobile phones that allow me to stay connected at any time and in any place, which makes them indispensable for everyday life.
In general, the inventions of mankind have greatly improved the quality of people's lives and made our world more comfortable.
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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ301 Ащепкова Дарина Артёмовна -
I completely agree that the scientific discoveries from the video have greatly changed our lives, but despite this, I would add a few more inventions to this list. And first of all, the Internet, because with it we have free access to information, the ability to quickly transfer data and much more. Medicine also plays a huge role in our lives, it is one of the greatest discoveries of mankind. It is thanks to medicine that we have the opportunity to know about our health problems and treat them. Also, with the advent of medicine, human life ❌lasted for increased by about 20 years. Another equally important human invention was the airplane, because it helps to move around the world in a minimum amount of time.
The invention of the Internet has had the greatest impact on my life. After all, it was with the help of the Internet that I managed to prepare well for the final exams and ❌go went / entered where I dreamed of. In conclusion, I would like to say that each invention is very important and necessary for us, because each one is aimed at improving and making our lives easier.

(Редактировал(а) ИЯ Гальчук Лариса Михайловна - пятница, 29 марта 2024, 21:46)

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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ301 Колычева Дарья Олеговна -
I fully agree that all these scientific discoveries which were mentioned in the video play a huge role in the life of every person.

If I make a list where these discoveries of science will be placed from the most important to the least important in my life, it will look like this:
1. Electricity
2. Communication
3. Medicine
4. Plumbing
5. Refrigeration
6. Paper
7. The Printing press
8. The Wheel/engine
9. The Compass

In addition, the most crucial discoveries for me are cellular communication and the Internet. First of all, there is a lot of educational information, different textbooks are located on the Internet. Also, we study some disciplines remotely, for instance English. Secondly, my whole family lives in Rubtsovsk and there is only one opportunity for communication, it is cellular communication and correspondence on the Internet. And thirdly, I watch a lot of useful training videos: different recipes, cooking tips and much more.

All discoveries, which were mentioned above, are developing more and more every day, making our lives more interesting and easier.

(Редактировал(а) ИЯ Гальчук Лариса Михайловна - пятница, 29 марта 2024, 22:29)

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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ301 Берендт Ирина Алексеевна -
1. Medicine. ❌She It took first place because, I believe, human health is most important
2. Electricity. I can’t imagine the modern world without electricity, because with its help we light our houses, apartments, cook food, and watch TV. Electricity is needed to run trams, trolleybuses, and trains.
3. Communication. This invention is also very important, since we can now communicate with people at a distance
4. Wheel. Wheels are needed for transport, and transport is an important thing in the modern world for movement.
5.Plumbing. Also one of the important inventions. Provides heat, gas and water to homes
6. Engines. Energy source for machines. It is necessary just like a wheel.
7. Paper. Thanks to paper, I can easily write notes, draw, and read books.
8. Cooling. An important invention to keep food fresh
9. Printing press. In the modern world, few people use this
10. Compass. Needed by sailors, but not by me
To this list I would add such an invention as an airplane. Thanks to ❌him it you can travel around the world.
I think the invention that influenced me the most was the telephone. I can’t imagine my life without it, because it is both a means of communication, and the phone helps me quickly find the information I need, and I can communicate with loved ones.

(Редактировал(а) ИЯ Гальчук Лариса Михайловна - пятница, 29 марта 2024, 23:22)

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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ301 Адерихина Кристина Сергеевна -
I agree that these inventions are very important for humanity. They greatly simplify and make the life of modern people safer. If I were to rank these 10 discoveries in order of importance to me, I would get the following sequence: medicine, communications, plumbing, electricity, refrigeration, paper, wheel, printing press, four motors, compass. I would like to add the invention of the smartphone with a camera to this list. After all, a camera is a very important thing these days. You can take photos and videos with your smartphone camera. People can retain memories of certain moments in their lives for many years. It is very important for me. thanks to this invention, at the age of 18 I can watch videos in which I am only 1 year old, I see how small I was and I know what I looked like. Watching a video from childhood, I hear what my voice was like back then, how I talked and expressed my thoughts. This invention helps to refresh the memory of the appearance of loved ones who have long since died... This is very important for many people nowadays, because everyone misses their loved ones. The invention of the smartphone with a camera changed people's lives for the better!
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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ301 Егорова Алиса Александровна -
I agree with the list of inventions presented in the video. We use some of them more often and others less often, but of course they are all very important. For me, inventions in terms of usefulness in everyday life are in this order: electricity, plumbing, communications, medicine, wheel/engine, refrigeration, paper, compass, printing press. To the above, I can add a few more incredible inventions, such as vaccines against diseases that prevent infection. Night lenses that help people with poor eyesight, new types of orthopedic shoes that help improve posture. It is also worth mentioning the development of artificial intelligence these days, its development helps in everyday life not only for students like us, but also for scientists and artists.
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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ301 Жильцова Светлана Витальевна -
I agree with the list in the video. These inventions have really had a huge impact on the development of the world. If rank the list of the most useful in my opinion to the least useful inventions, the list will look like this: electricity, plumbing, communication, medicine, refrigeration, engines, paper, the wheel, the printing press, the compass. I would add anesthesia to this list. The main advantage of anesthesia is the ability to perform serious operations, including on the brain and internal organs, which last several hours.
The Internet has had the greatest impact on my life. Thanks to the Internet and the development of electricity and communication, I can observe and be inspired by different people. Thanks to the Internet, I can exchange experiences with people around the world and learn new things. If it weren’t for the Internet, I wouldn’t have moved to Novosibirsk and wouldn’t have lived the way I do now.

(Редактировал(а) ИЯ Гальчук Лариса Михайловна - суббота, 30 марта 2024, 11:47)

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Re: Module 2.4 What scientific discoveries and inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?

от сЭБ301 Богомазова Ярославна Олеговна -
I think that all the inventions mentioned in this video are important, but if I put them on the list of such things that I use most often, the following will turn out:
1. Electricity
2. Communication
3. Medicine
4. Refrigeration
5. Paper
6. The wheel/Engine
7. Plumbing
8. The printing press
9. The compass
Humanity does not stand still, scientific and technological progress surprises the whole world. The inventions that are named in the video once shocked humanity, but now we use them daily. I would add the Internet to this list of inventions, because I think it is the greatest invention. With the help of the Internet, people from all over the world can communicate and share information, it's incredible! I also want to mention such an invention as the telephone, it had a huge impact on my life. I use it every day: I write a to-do list in it, chat with friends, work and study using my phone. technological progress never ceases to amaze me!